Facts about ki$$ing

on Monday 11 November 2013 with 0 comments

The insulting slang phrase “ki$s my
a$s” dates back at least to the year
2. Lips are 100 times more sensitive
than the fingertips. Even genitals don't
possess as much sensitivity as lips.
3. Passionate ki$$ing burns 6.4 calories
per minute.
4. The mouth is full of bacteria. When
two people ki$$, they exchange between
10 million and 1 billion bacteria.
5. A medieval manuscript warns
Japanese men against deep ki$$!ng
during the female orgasm because a
woman might accidentally bite off part
of her lover’s tongue.
6. The Christian ritual kiss or “kiss of
peace” was used during prayer,
Eucharist, baptism, ordination, and in
connection with greeting, funerals,
monastic vows, and martyrdom.
7. Contraction of HIV through kissing is
very unlikely. One woman was infected
in 1997 she and the infected man both
had gum disease. Transmission was
likely through the man’s blood and not
his saliva.

Category: nairobi-vibes.blogspot.com



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