things men do that scare women away

on Sunday, 3 November 2013 with 0 comments

There’s a bunch of guys who believe
that smothering a woman is the way to
go about love. They call you 500 times a
day, send you kisses and smileys every
hour, hold you so tight until you can’t
breathe, insist on celebrating Valentine’s
day even though they know that day
disgusts you, want to spend every
waking hour with you…so annoying!
Such guys always end up getting
dumped and then wonder why they are
so unlucky in love.
If you’ve noticed a trend in your love
life where after a couple of dates the
woman you like stops picking your calls
and wants nothing to do with you… then
there are a couple of things you may
want to change.
According to, here are a
couple of things you may want to stop
doing because they scare women away.
#1) Being too easy to please. Obviously,
women love compliments. But when
you throw out too many early on, she’s
just going to think you’re insincere.
#2) Being too focused on sex. She
already KNOWS you want to do her. So
if you rush things, or guilt-trip her into
sex, she’s not going to put out . . . and
she’ll question your intentions.
#3) Being possessive too soon. Don’t
get jealous when she hangs out with her
guy friends, or spends more time with
her girlfriends than you. And if you DO
get jealous, at least ACT like you know
she’s entitled to have her own life.
#4) Being cheap. Women are drawn to
men who can protect and provide for
them. It’s fine to split every third or
fourth date, but making her pay too
early sends the signal that you’re not
the sort of guy she can have a future
#5) Talking about exes. No woman
wants to hear about your ex. And it
doesn’t matter whether you’re saying
good things or bad things. Either way, it
shows you have too much baggage.




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