Haiya!! JAGUAR is not the RICHEST ARTIST in Kenya
Nairobi post
pundits claim that philanthropic
Kigeugeu hit maker Jaguar is the
richest artist in Kenya because of his
large collection of cars, business
network and his philanthropic
nature, new information indicates
that he is not the richest in Kenya.
According to a radio personality who
undertook a survey of the richest
artists in the country, Jaguar just
comes in the top ten list but not
anywhere in the top two.
Apparently Kamba maestro, Ken wa
Maria, and kikuyu guitarist Mike Rua
are the richest artists in Kenya and
most of their wealth is hidden in real
estate. The two own several prime
properties in major towns in Kenya
like Nairobi, Thika and Machakos.
They have managed to hide their
fortune very well but in terms of
their net worth, Jaguar is far off the
(PHOTOS)life history of EASY FM'S SHILLA MWANYIGA(kweli,watu hutoka mbali)
reasons why women cheat
By nairobi post
A lot of women who cheat are getting
revenge on their partners, after being
seriously hurt. Affairs can do a lot of
damage, but instead of crying with their
friends, women are finding a single hot
man and showing him exactly how much
it hurts to know your partner has cheated
on you. Not clever, really, but
understandable...there is only so much
yelling can achieve, and the hurt is
intense. It can easily block rational
thought, and even someone who knows
two wrongs can’t make a right could be
tempted into pay-back.
2. It's boring in the bedroom
Men aren't the only ones who need to
spice things up. "Women need to feel
desired!". If she is not getting any,
enough, or nothing to talk about, women
start to feel a sexual void.
3. Feeling neglected
Feeling completely neglected is another
common cause of affairs. Women just
can’t put up with not having any
attention, and if they aren’t getting it at
home, they’ll get it from men outside.
But one thing can lead to another, and
being exposed to flattery which is so rare
can make it so much easier for a charming
womanizer to talk his way into her bed.
Well, I don’t know if it’ll get results, and
I’d recommend a talk over a fling any day,
but this is understandable too. Don’t
stand for being neglected!
4. Jealousy
Have you ever been with a man who is so
damn sexy that no woman can help
herself near him? Whether it’s a
suggestive smile or sending him a drink,
he never seems to be able to escape the
admiring crowds, and it can make you feel
insecure, especially if you are feeling like
an average Jane next to him, which is why
women with gorgeous husbands boost
their confidence by getting another man
into bed. It shows they are a head-turner
too, and makes them feel much more
confident but remember, it could leave
your relationship in tatters, and it won’t
fix the jealousy issue.
5. Feeling a relationship ending
"When a woman feels that uneasy sense
that a relationship is on the outs, by
either her doing or his, she will often look
to fill the void externally to soften the
blow,". "If she is the one considering the
breakup, she may be using this tactic as a
challenge to herself both testing the
waters, and then gauge if she can go
through with it."
6. Replacement
A surprising number of women admitted
to cheating to find their next partner so
they wouldn’t be single when they left
their current partner. Shocked? I was!
After all, cheating on your partner can’t
make you attractive to potential
boyfriends, right? Well, it seems to be
happening more and more. I can’t really
get my head around this one. If you want
to leave, go, and if replacing him with a
new man fast is important, throw yourself
into blind dates, speed dating and nights
out. But be honest!
7. Change
Change can cause a women to seek an
affair. From the obvious, such as having a
baby, to simple things such as moving
house, an affair will make her feel sexy
and attractive and give her life some
substance....until it ends that is. Grab a
babysitter, book a night out and make a
real effort for your partner. Try a wig and
new name. Create the same effect, but
involve your Mr. Right, or you could lose
8. Warning
Some women cheat as a last warning to
their man, particularly if they are refusing
to do something, or make a change. It’s
almost a childish “If you don’t do what I
want, I’ll leave” action, but most of the
time, it’s out of desperation rather than
spite. Talk to him instead, tell him how
you feel, and that you are about to give
up. Communication is key for a successful
relationship. Evaluate his reaction...if he
doesn’t care, leave.
9. Unhappiness
For men, sex is a vital part of
relationships. Women understand this. I
mean, some of us find sex vital too but
even if we don’t, we know that men need
it. So when we aren’t having it, we know
something is up. The survey found that
women whose sex lives had dwindled felt
like their partners didn’t love them
anymore, or find them sexually attractive.
Cue finding a man who does, and seeking
comfort in his arms.
Relationship tips by Kati Blake
Here is a photo of a NYERI woman who 'killed his husband'
(PHOTO)A Kisumu Man who almost kills his wife because Gor lost the Match
By nairobi post
We cannot call this one a drama because it was too bad,we had to confirm the source of information before posting it on public,it was too bad especially to this poor woman who got what she never expected,We hope that she will not die because she is atvthe hospital now,God save us...
Photo of Johnsone mwakazi when he was poor
UASIN GISHU pastor caught with someone's wife
Nairobi post
a pastor in Uasin Gishu was caught having ...with a neighbours wife,A pastor by the name,Daniel Odhiambo Okongo'(pictuted) was caught ref handed on bed with Judy Akinyi Miruka, this was after one of the neighbours heard 'strange noice from pastor's house' they were later taken to the Luo council of Elders....
OMG!! COLLO and STL release the most randy song ever …… KUDINyana
Nairobi post
Walanguzi released their track Me
Napenda Vaseline, no artist has tried
to go down that line. Now, Collo and STL have had the
courage to release the most explicit
track ever done in Kenya.
The track is dubbed kudi***na and
recently leaked online
Nairobi post
The 3 Big Mistakes Most Women Make
That Prevent Them From Getting Their
Dream Man…
So many of us become “lost” the moment
we fall for a man. Immediately he becomes
the center of our world. But the moment
we even THINK about a man as the “center
of our world,” his feelings of attraction for
us go away. It may feel good to his ego…
but it does nothing inside his heart. What
makes a man go crazy for a woman is the
fact that he might lose her.
Mistake #1 - Chasing HIM
You chase him by calling him first, texting
him all the time, asking where he was and
why he didn’t call, offering to make him
dinner when he hasn’t asked you first,
talking about your future together or the
fact that you’re a couple when he hasn’t
expressed that himself… etc. It’s about
GIVING without getting much back.
When you “chase” a man, he’ll back away
even further. Even if you’re only thinking
about chasing him. It doesn’t matter. The
vibe is out there, and he feels it.
Mistake #2 - Becoming Exclusive Too Soon
We’ve been taught that the way to go in
love is to get a man to commit to us
exclusively as quickly as possible.
The TRUTH is that demanding, expecting,
and yes, even wanting “exclusivity” with a
man too soon is ademonstration of
weakness to him.
“How could that be?” you ask… It’s like
When a man senses that you’re willing to
fully invest yourself in a relationship with
him BEFORE he’s ready to commit, it
lowers your “Degree of Difficulty” (how
hard you are to “get” and his perception of
your worth) practically down to zero.
Mistake #3 - Not Dating At All Or “Dating
And Hating It”
It’s easy to start feeling that no men
measure up to your standards. Or to be
afraid of losing the one man you want by
dating other men. So you don’t date.
Instead, you focus on getting that one man
When you narrow down your options like
this, you’re giving up your freedom for no
reason and missing out on meeting Mr.